Thursday, March 7, 2013

I can no longer stop my children's tears

I can no longer stop my children's tears
Once a given they could turn to me for comfort and all would be right
No longer can I stop their their hurts
A kiss a smile does not heal the wounds the world inflicts
As they grow I fade
They look to me still but how can they see
There is little left of me
No longer can I stop their fears
Once protected they stand alone
Beauty and truth against the cold edge of reality's blade
A cityscape , wind blowing , as they stand upon a hillside looking down
They will travel down without me, but who will tend their wounds
The shards and piercings innumerable
I die for them each day but my blood mixes with dirt to be lapped at by jackals
No longer can I change the world
I am in its grasp too securely to breathe much longer
No more time to hold them in a strong embrace
A bedtime story that ended long ago
Their dreams their own
Their nights, the darkness, the dawn


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